I spent the day being nurse maid for Jesse. He was doing something he shouldn't have and ended up with a bruised and swollen paw. He is hobbling around and can't make it up or down the stairs without my help.
I want to use this space to share my interests in embroidery, gardening and maybe a few other things too. My gardening interests have a way of showing up in my embroidery, imagine that.
Well it's finished! I stitched on it off and on for several days. The heart and butterfly were from tracings the rest was done free hand. I'm not comfortable with bead work yet I need more time to play with it.
I joined the Chain of Hearts group and got the pattern for the hearts. The hearts that I have been working on are about an inch bigger. So I cut down my backing material and sewed this little heart this morning.
I'll use my bigger hearts to try out new stitches and different techniques then use them in some of my other projects.
Yes, this is the same pattern as the tiny iris. The pattern is saved on the computer and I insert it into a word document where it can be made any size needed. Doing it that way comes in very handy.
The stands are done with a variegated floss. I like the effect but the color changes to quickly. In my floss stash there is some older J & P Coats embroidery floss where the variegation is much better, but there were no reds in the stash.
This is another project I've been working on...
This is part of my inheritance. I have my mother's embroidery floss and her transfer patterns. Back in the days when beds, sheets and pillow slips only came in standard size my mother always embroidered pillow slips for wedding presents. I remember going to white sales at Montgomery Ward (department store, out of business now I think) where Mom stocked up on pillow slips and sheet sets. I found this pattern among her Aunt Martha's transfers, she paid 60 cents for it at Ben Franklin's (a 5 and 10 cent store). The pillow slips are from Mom's stash too.