Country Tulip
Originally uploaded by Iris Susan.
Sometimes it's fun to do some thing totally different. This county heart is made from all cotton fabrics...I love working with cottons they are far more forgiving then fancy fabrics.
I want to use this space to share my interests in embroidery, gardening and maybe a few other things too. My gardening interests have a way of showing up in my embroidery, imagine that.
Sometimes it's fun to do some thing totally different. This county heart is made from all cotton fabrics...I love working with cottons they are far more forgiving then fancy fabrics.
I've been working on more hearts. The spider web roses got a little flattened in the scanner but that's ok they puffed up again. I really am trying to get away from purple but I think there are a few more in my pile to do.
I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
I love doing these spider web rose motifs!!! Others must like them to I have several comments on my flickr site about them.
This one the silk ribbon is just one color but I like to use two ribbons together in my needle while doing them. I'll use a 7mm ribbon along with a 4mm ribbon of a different color so the rose has a two tone look to it. Belinda from www.bearembroideryden.blogspot.com shared this tip and I have been using it on most of my roses.
The roses at the top of the bottom seam treatment are Fargo roses...now that I can make them right I use them often too.
Life has been so busy lately that I haven't had time to work on big projects. It's nice to have a pile of hearts made up so that I can work slowly and not forget what I'm doing on them. I enjoyed working on this heart; the curve was interesting to play with. The seam treatment makes such a pretty arch.
I seem to be stuck on purple lately most of the hearts are shades of pink and purple. The center fabric is a beautiful bold cotton print; this is only a small corner piece.
I want to thank all of those that have been leaving comments I love hearing from all of you. I do try to respond to anyone that has a return email address. It is so nice to know people are reading my blog. Hopefully life will settle down for me and I will be able to post more often this fall and winter.
I'm posting this from my flicker site and it will only allow me to post one pic at a time. I have another heart pic to share so it well be the post above this one.
Happy Weekend Everyone!!
This beautiful heart came all the way from Italy to my little home here in Ohio. Lorenza does beautiful work....aren't those violets great!
A scanned picture of these hearts just doesn't do them justice. This heart is so sweet and Susan's stitching is wonderful.
This beautiful heart is from Norma Harris who lives in Virginia. I love the paisley!
This heart is from Michelle Share who lives in Maine. She does lovely tatting and I've been looking forward to seeing it up close and personal.