Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tatted Edging
I joined the baggie swap that Sandie is doing over at abeautifulcraft... check it out if you haven't seen it yet. I am adding several of my tatted pieces to each baggie.
Hopefully I can find (make?)time to sew up a few cq hearts and do some embroidery this weekend. I have had such a good time tatting and teaching myself to crochet that the embroidery has been neglected for sometime now. I want to learn how to do thread crochet but I can see it is going to take longer to learn than the tatting did. LOL (:o)
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Small Tatting Motifs
Purple Heart
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Spring Snow

We did have some snow and ice. I could hear the sleet hitting the roof early this morning. Then we had enough snow to cover it up. The roads must be a mess. I took these pictures of the birds enjoying the feeders this morning.
The birds in this picture are mostly gold finches... they like the thistle feeder...there just isn't enough room for them all so they sit all over the pole and wait their turn. This morning as I was watching there were purple finches, house finches, song sparrows, cardinals, chickadees, one junco, and a pair of brown headed cow birds. The cow birds have to go...I scared them off every time I saw them on the feeder. I made the wooden feeder...the birds like its plastic roof it keeps the weather off but allows them to see predators.
It isn't easy to capture a bird in flight but there is one in this picture....fuzzy but there. This is the view from my back porch. I actually took the pictures through the glass of the back door.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Spring...Maybe...Maybe not!
Blogger still won't let me upload photos...wish they would get it fixed.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Still here
The best that I can do is send you to my flicker site to look at the pictures of my daffodils. We have had frosts the last two mornings and I'm worried about the ones that haven't bloomed yet. My tulips are showing themselves but hopefully they won't show buds for a couple more weeks. My crab apples trees were showing green...I haven't been brave enough to look at them since the frost.
There is also some photos of my Chain of Hearts vines...also known as Ceropegia woodii. The original plant was my mother's. When she passed away I rooted four or five plants from the original so that my siblings could each have one. The vine grows very fast and I have rooted several new plants and given several away. Now I have five plants and two of them need shortened. They are easy to start...they have nodules on the vine and I lay the section I want to root on soil in another pot, anchor it with florist wire until it roots itself then cut it from the original plant.
I'm off to have another cup of coffee it's cinnamon hazelnut this morning...would anyone care to join me?
Monday, March 13, 2006

Saturday was a fun day even if it did rain all day. My dearest and life long friend and her husband were here for the weekend and she and I want shopping. I had found an ad for a yarn shop that I wanted to visit and we went to check it out. The lady that owns the shop spins a lot of her own threads and weaves... there is a workshop with several looms set up. It would take several weeks to look at all of the things in her shop. It's definitely a place to visit often. After the yarn shop we had lunch at a local steak house then spent some time at Hobby Lobby. On the way home stopped at Starbucks and treated ourselves to a latte. All in all a very nice day.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Sad Tatting Attempts
The sta on the left should have been a medallion I think.... but I couldn't figure out when to join the picots.
The sta on the right...well I didn't make it loose enough ....anyway it doesn't look the way it should.
I had a very good start on this sta when I realized I wasn't making some picot joins where I should....then I realized that not all of the large rings were facing the same direction as they should have been. But I didn't give up and a second attempt is on the needle at this moment.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Hearts and more Hearts
Yes, it is a piece of my tatting on Millie.
Sadie and Millie

Water Lilies and Cardinal

Topiary Tree
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Hearts Received

This one is from Maureen B in Australia.

Pat from Indiana sent this heart.

This heart is from Sue in the UK

Toni from Ohio sent this heart.
There are all so lovely... I wish the scanner could really do them justice. I think I'll make a frame to put them in when I scan them....might help the hearts stand out a bet better. Still not sure what I want to do with them just's just so much fun to look at each one and see all of the detail and admire the work.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
More Tatting