Saturday, April 29, 2006
Grant Days continued
If you would like to know more the Internet is packed with info on the civil war, Grant and Morgan's raid. I did find a few sites that might be of interest:
Ulysses. S Grant
American Presidency
John H. Morgan
Grant Days
I guess I should tell you a little about the celebration. Ulysses S Grant, our eighteen president spent his early childhood in Georgetown Ohio. The house he lived in and the school house he attended are local historical sites. Several of the events included a history walk through the home and school house and several historic landmarks in Georgetown also a Grand ball that evening with everyone in civil war period costumes.
One of the events that I got to see was the reenactment of Morgan's Raid. The whole center of town was cordoned off and all the actor's were dressed in period costumes. The raiders came through town on horses and locals were trying to fend them off with single shot muskets to no avail. The raiders then proceeded to raid the local shops looking for supplies and money. There was a considerable amount of comedy in all of the goings on too. And of course a few locals died in the fellow played his death very well... he died in the middle of the street. The sun was out and it was very warm so the poor dead man was dragged up on the sidewalk to the shade and remained there quite dead for the next hour or so. Finally the Calvary rode in and saved the day...with a horse back saber fight and muskets going off everywhere it was very dramatic and so much fun to watch.

The Cavalry arrives, or maybe it's Union troops, to save the day!

Monday, April 24, 2006
Thank you Julia for the pattern and instructions. With any luck my next attempt at these daffodils will be much better.
Friday, April 21, 2006
The Survivors
Friday, April 14, 2006
Gold Heart
I always try out books from the library to decide it I want to buy them. Last week I found Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches by Carole Samples. It's amazingly chock full of stitch combinations (along other stitch designs)...many are from antique crazy quilts. I always have trouble coming up with combinations on my own so this book is a gold mine for me. Several of the combinations on this heart came from Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
More Tatting

It took three attempts to get this tiny piece done. The first time I was almost done when I found a thread wrapped around the piece and I couldn't fix it. The second one I forgot to join the picots (yes, again). This design is in Tatted Snowflakes by Vida Sunderman (Dover Needlework Series). I did alter the chain by adding another double stitch on each side of the picot.

I love this little heart but all of my previous trys were sad attempts...until last night when I actually did justice to the pattern. This design is in Easy Tatting by Rozella F. Linden (Dover Needlework Series).
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Sewing corner
Yesterday I revisited a semi-local yarn shop (it's really so much more). The first time I was there I mentioned that I tatted and the owners invited me back and to bring my tatting. Their weaving guild meets at the shop on Tuesdays and they wanted me to come and show my tatting to the guild members. I spent a very nice day with the ladies. When I walked through the door they ask me what I do when I said tatting there were lots of oh's and ah's and I proceded to show them some of my motifs and books. Then they wanted to see how needle tatting is done so I showed them how to do rings, chains, picots and joins. After lunch at a local coffee house I watch as three of the weavers set up their looms and another lady was spinning yarn. The yarn spinning was very interesting; she was using a wonderfully soft white lambs wool to make the yarn. All and all a very nice day and I learned some things too.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Fun Threads

Rosemary sent these fun and fancy threads along with the heart. I'll have lots of fun using them.
I'm stitching on a gold heart now but I'm taking my time and working at it a little differently than I normally do.
I have had so many nice complements on my tatting which has evolved into two swaps. So now I have even more tatting to do. The swaps push me to build my skills and I get lots of practice...which is a very good thing.
It's time for coffee anyone want to join me?
I have some sad news, you may remember my post about the deer nibbling the tops out of my tulips...well they finished them off buds and all. At least around the two trees closest to the road. The trees must be right in the deer path across the yard. I did find one that they didn't was on the side away from the I put a tomato cage around. The tulips around the tree closest to the house were spared..but I'm taking no chances and I put a chicken wire fence around them until the tulips bloom. Looks like I'll have to move the tulips closer to the house and put something deer proof around the trees. Which upsets me to no end...the tulips would have been so pretty there. I'll post a picture of the survivors when they bloom.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Tissue Holder

turkey feathers has been making beautiful bags (purses) and she has made tissue pouches to go with them. She had a link for the instructions too so I gave it a try and this is the result:
I would love to make more (Christmas gifts maybe) but I definitely need to get better at making them. When I had it finished I noticed that I had sewn one end crooked. It's for me so I'm not too worried about it.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Purple butterfly
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Purple butterflies
We are having a lovely spring day. I actually have two windows open!!!
Yesterday I met a dear friend for lunch. We hadn't seen each other for a year or we had a lot to catch up on. After lunch we went to a nearby historic village...Old Washington Kentucky. Many historic buildings and most have antique shops. We found a magnificent stash of buttons in one of the shops and I couldn't help myself...I came away with this little collection.
Most of the buttons are made from shell. I have been told that there was a button factory in the area many years ago. The story goes that they would dredge the river for mussels and used the shells to make the buttons. Many of these buttons aren't finished on the back so you can see part of the outer shell. If anyone knows anything else about this type of button I would love to hear from you.
I have added another picture of the same buttons...they reflected the camera flash but it shows how shiny and colorful they are.
Well... we sprang forward today and I forget to set the clocks last night. I slept in this morning so instead of feeling like I lost an hour it feels more like I lost two hours. It always takes me a week or more to get used to the change.